Contagious Bovine and Caprine Pleuropneumonia: a research community’s recommendations for the development of better vaccines
Author: Joerg Jores, Cynthia Baldwin , Alain Blanchard , Glenn F. Browning , Angie Colston , Volker Gerdts , Danny Goovaerts , Martin Heller , Nick Juleff , Fabien Labroussaa , Anne Liljander , Geoffrey Muuka, Vish Nene , Ran Nir-Paz, Flavio Sacchini, Artur Summerfield, François Thiaucourt, Hermann Unger, Sanjay Vashee, Xiumei Wang and Jeremy Salt
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
Accurate diagnosis of lesions suspected of being caused by Taenia solium in body organs of pigs with naturally acquired porcine cysticercosis
Author: Charles G. Gauci,Chrisostom Ayebazibwe,Zachary Nsadha,Chris Rutebarika,Ishab Poudel,Keshav Sah,Dinesh Kumar Singh,Andrew Stent,Angela Colston,Meritxell Donadeu,Marshall W. Lightowlers
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium, body organs, cysticerci
Proteomic Identification of Immunodiagnostic Antigens for Trypanosoma vivax Infections in Cattle and Generation of a Proof-of-Concept Lateral Flow Test Diagnostic Device
Author: Jennifer R. Fleming, Lalitha Sastry, Steven J. Wall, Lauren Sullivan, Michael A. J. Ferguson
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Animal African Trypanosomosis, Animal African trypanosomiasis, Cattle, Sub-Saharan Africa, Tryps, Tsetse, veterinary diagnosTrypanosomosis
Review of requirements and processes for registration of veterinary products in selected African and Asian countries
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Vaccines, good manufacturing practice, vaccine certification, vaccine registration, vaccine registration procedures,
Assessment of Animal African Trypanosomiasis vulnerability in cattle-owning communities of sub-Saharan Africa
Author: H.R. Holt, R. Selby, C. Mumba, G. B. Napier and J. Guitian
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Animal African Trypanosomosis, Animal African trypanosomiasis, Cattle, Sub-Saharan Africa, Trypanosomosis, Tryps, Tsetse, Vulnerability assessment
Development of a low-dose fast-dissolving tablet formulation of Newcastle disease vaccine for low-cost backyard poultry immunisation
Author: M. Lal, C. Zhu, C. McClurkan, D.M. Koelle, P. Miller, C. Afonso, M. Donadeu, B. Dungu, D.Chen
Year: 2014
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Backyard Poultry, Newcastle Disease, Newcastle Disease Vaccine
GALVmed Impetus Strategy Paper
Author: Tim Leyland
Year: 2010
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy, Commercial Development
Keywords: African Livestock Trade, Agricultural Innovation Systems, Agro-Industrial Development, Animal Health, Competitiveness, Contract Farming, Development Actors, International Veterinary Medicine Intiatives, Livestock Strategy, Productivity 5 more
Is Africa different? Economics of the Livestock Sector
Author: Martin Upton
Year: 2012
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: African Livestock Sector, Animal Disease Risks, Animal Feed Balance, Animal Health Services, Economics, Food Security, Livestock Economics, Livestock Product Value Chains, Livestock in Economic Development, Non-Market Functions 2 more
Livestock and Gender; Achieving Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Through Livestock Policies that Benefit Women
Author: Jemimah Njuki, Beth Miller
Year: 2012
Subject Areas: Gender, Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Access to Inputs, Access to Services, Access to Technologies, Disaggregated Data, Economic Empowerment, Gender Analysis, Gender Division of Labour, Gender Equality, Gender Learning Network, Gender and Livestock 10 more
Whatever Happened to the Pro-Poor Livestock Development Paradigm?
Author: Claire Heffernan
Year: 2012
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Advocacy, Backcasting, Environment, Gender Equality, Institutional Structures, Institutional Support, Livestock Disease, Livestock Livelihoods, Livestock Policy