GALVmed Year in Review 2024
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2025
Subject Areas:
Keywords: Year in review, Year in review report, achievements, 2024
Longitudinal observational (single cohort) study on the causes of trypanocide failure in cases of African animal trypanosomosis in cattle near wildlife protected areas of Northern Tanzania
Author: Richards S, Pagnossin D, Buyugu PS, Manangwa O, Mramba F, Sindoya E, Paxton E, Torr SJ, Ritchie R, Rossi GE, Anyanwu LN, Barrett MP, Morrison LJ, Auty H
Year: 2025
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: AAT, Tanzania, Trypanocide, treatment
PREVENT Impact Evaluation Baseline Study
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2024
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, M&E, PREVENT, Poultry, Learning brief, chicken vaccination, Baseline study
Long-term trial of protection provided by adenovirus-vectored vaccine expressing the PPRV H protein
Author: Karin E. Darpel, Amanda Corla, Anna Stedman, Fiona Bellamy, John Flannery, Paulina Rajko-Nenow, Claire Powers, SteveWilson, Bryan Charleston, Michael D. Baron & Carrie Batten
Year: 2024
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: PPR, DIVA, protection, Immune response
Evaluation of a combined live attenuated vaccine against Lumpy skin disease, contagious bovine pleuropneumoniae and Rift Valley Fever
Author: Zohra Bamouh , Amal Elarkam , Soufiane Elmejdoub , Jihane Hamdi , Zineb Boumart , Greg Smith , Matthew Suderman , Mahder Teffera , HezronWesonga , Stephen Wilson , Douglas M. Watts , Shawn Babiuk , Brad Pickering and Mehdi Elharrak
Year: 2024
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Antibody, Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Rift Valley Fever, Vaccine, cattle, immunogenicity, lumpy skin disease, efficacy
GALVmed Year in Review 2023
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2024
Subject Areas:
Keywords: Year in review, report, 2023, achievements
Anti-parasitic benzoxaboroles are ineffective against Theileria parva in vitro
Author: Steketee PC, Paxton E, Barrett MP, Pearce MC, Connelley TK, Morrison LJ
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Benzoxaborole, Theileria parva, drug, Apicomplexan parasites, protozoa, drug target
MAHABA Landscaping Study - Uganda
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: ticks, tick-borne diseases, Uganda, landscaping study, M&E, acaricides
Evaluation of a novel liquid stabilised peste des petits ruminants vaccine: Safety and immunogenic efficacy in sheep and goats in the field in Jordan
Author: Fraser Crofts, Ahmad Al-Majali, David Gerring, Simon Gubbins, Hayley Hicks, Dana Campbell, Steve Wilson, Lizzie Chesang, Kristin Stuke, Claudia Cordel, Satya Parida, Carrie Batten
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: PPR, PPR Vaccines, PPR disease, Sheep, Vaccines, goats
A high level estimation of the net economic benefits to small-scale livestock producers arising from animal health product distribution initiatives
Author: Paul R. Bessell, Gareth Salmon, Christian Schnier, Katharine Tjasink, Lamyaa Al-Riyami and Andrew Peters
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Animal Health, Model, intervention, livestock diseases, Veterinary pharmaceutical
Effects of Long Acting Oxytetracycline on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Experimentally Infected Cattle
Author: Beatrice Otina, Philip Kitala, Lilly Bebora, Moses Olum, Alexander Kipronoh, Lizzie Chesang’, Kristin Stuke and Hezron Wesonga
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: CBPP, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Oxytetracycline, Bovine respiratory distress, Trans- boundary diseases
Assessment of an In Vitro Tick Feeding System for the Successful Feeding of Adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Ticks
Author: Btissam Asri, Djamel Tahir, Alec Evans, Leon Nicolaas Meyer, Abdelkbir Rhalem, Mohammed Bouslikhane, Massaro Ueti and Maxime Madder
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: East Coast Fever, Theileria parva, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, in vitro tick feeding
Proceeding of Newcastle Disease Control Review Workshop
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy, Commercial Development, Research and Development, Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Africa, I-2, India, ND, Newcastle Disease, South Asia
Duration of Immunity Induced after Vaccination of Cattle with a Live Attenuated or Inactivated Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Vaccine
Author: Andy Haegeman, Ilse De Leeuw, Laurent Mostin, Willem Van Campe, Wannes Philips, Mehdi Elharrak, Nick De Regge and Kris De Clercq
Year: 2023
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Duration of Immunity, Vaccines, lumpy skin disease
The co-administration of live fowlpox and Newcastle disease vaccines by non-invasive routes to chickens reared by smallholders in Tanzania and Nepal
Author: Stuart J. Andrews, Asanteli Makundi, Julius Mwanadota, Sakar Shivakoti, Bikas Raj Shah, E. Jane Poole, Jeremy Salt, Kristin Stuke
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Chickens, Eye-drop, Feather follicle, Fowlpox, Newcastle Disease, Vaccination
Mutual Recognition Procedure for the registration of veterinary medicines in the East African Community
Author: East African Community
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: EAC MRP, GMP, LTR, Local Technical Representative, MRP, Mutual Recognition Procedure, application procedure, registration of veterinary medicines
Working together to uniformly license veterinary medicines in East Africa: How the East African Community’s Mutual Recognition Procedure works
Author: East African Community
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: East Africa, East African Community, Mutual Recognition Procedure, Policy, regulatory harmonisation, veterinary products
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides isolates recovered from tissues of control and treated cattle from cattle following controlled antimicrobial treatment trials
Author: Anne Ridley, Geoffrey Muuka, Hezron Wesonga, Roger Ayling, Jane Plater, Nimmo Gicheru, Stuke, K., Colston, A., Salt J.
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Antibiotic, Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), susceptibility
Rapid gender landscaping analysis in the poultry sector: Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe
Author: Campbell Z, Jumba H, Tjasink K, Al-Riyami L
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Gender, PREVENT, Poultry, landscaping
Comparative Sensitivity and Specificity of the 7SL sRNA Diagnostic Test for Animal Trypanosomiasis
Author: Contreras Garcia M, Walshe E, Steketee PC, Paxton E, Lopez-Vidal J, Pearce MC, Matthews KR, Ezzahra-Akki F, Evans A, Fairlie-Clark K, Matthews JB, Grey F, Morrison LJ
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Trypanosomiasis, diagnostic, sRNA, senistivity, specificity
Repositioning of a diaminothiazole series confirmed to target the cyclin-dependent kinase CRK12 for use in the treatment of African animal trypanosomiasis.
Author: Smith A, Wall RJ, Patterson S, Rowan T, Vida ER, Stojanovski L, Huggett M, Hampton SE, Thomas MG, Lopez VC, Gillingwater K, Duke J, Napier G, Peter R, Vitouley HS, Harrison JR, Milne R, Jeacock L, Baker N, Davis SH, Simeons F, Riley J, Horn D, Brun R, Zuccotto F, Witty MJ, Wyllie S, Read KD, Gilbert IH.
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Development and Evaluation of a Combined Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) Live Vaccine
Author: Najete Safini, Soufiane Belmejdoub, Zahra Bamouh, Mohamed Jazouli, Jihane Hamdi, Zineb Boumart, Halima Rhazi, Khalid Omari Tadlaoui and Mehdi El Harrak
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: CBPP, Lumpy Skin Disease, Vaccine
Sequence Diversity of Tp1 and Tp2 Antigens and Population Genetic Analysis of Theileria parva in Unvaccinated Cattle in Zambia’s Chongwe and Chisamba Districts
Author: Walter Muleya, David Kalenzi Atuhaire, Zachariah Mupila, Victor Mbao, Purity Mayembe, Sydney Kalenga, Paul Fandamu, Boniface Namangala, Jeremy Salt and Antony Jim Musoke
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: ECF immunization, Sub-structuring, Theileria parva, Tp1, Tp2, Zambia
Role of African swine fever virus (ASFV) proteins EP153R and EP402R in reducing 1 viral persistence in blood and virulence in pigs infected with Benin?DP148R
Author: Vlad Petrovan, Anusyah Rathakrishnan, Muneeb Islam, Lynnette C. Goatley, Katy Moffat, Pedro J. Sanchez-Cordon, Ana L. Reis, Linda K. Dixon
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Safety, Immunogenicity and Antibody Persistence of Rift Valley Fever Virus Clone 13 Vaccine in Sheep, Goats and Cattle in Tanzania
Author: Calvin Sindato, Esron D. Karimuribo, Emmanuel S. Swai, Leonard E.G. Mboera, Mark M. Rweyemamu, Janusz T. Paweska and Jeremy Salt
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Cattle, Clone 13 vaccine, Goat, Rift valley fever virus, Sheep, Tanzania, immunogenicity, safety
A cross-sectional survey to establish Theileria parva prevalence and vector control at the wildlife-livestock interface, Northern Tanzania
Author: Allan FK, Sindoya E, Adam KE, Byamungu M, Lea RS, Lord JS, Mbata G, Paxton E, Mramba F, Torr SJ, Morrison WI, Handel I, Morrison LJ, Auty HK
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Prevalence, Tanzania, Theileria, Theileria parva, wildlife
Detection of Clinical and Subclinical Lumpy Skin Disease Using Ear Notch Testing and Skin Biopsies
Author: Laetitia Aerts, Andy Haegeman, Ilse De Leeuw, Wannes Philips, Willem Van Campe, Isabelle Behaeghel, Laurent Mostin and Kris De Clercq
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Lumpy Skin Disease, ear notch testing, skin biopsies, subclinical infection, virus detection
Newcastle disease vaccine virus I-2 fails to acquire virulence during repeated passage in vivo.
Author: Bisschop SPR, Peters A, Domingue G, Pearce MC, Verwey J, Poolman P
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Parasite specific 7SL-derived small RNA is an effective target for diagnosis of active trypanosomiasis infection
Author: Chiweshe SM, Steketee PC, Jayaraman S, Paxton E, Neophytou K, Erasmus H, Labuschagne M, Cooper A, MacLeod A, Grey FE, Morrison LJ
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: 7SL, Diagnosis, RNA, Trypanosomiasis, parasite
Development and field application of a new combined vaccine against Peste des Petits Ruminants and Sheep Pox
Author: F. Fakri, F. Ghzal, S. Daouam, A. Elarkam, L. Douieb, Y. Zouheir, K. Tadlaoui, O. Fassi-Fihri
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Combined vaccine, Peste des Petits Ruminants, Sheep Pox