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Evaluation of a novel liquid stabilised peste des petits ruminants vaccine: Safety and immunogenic efficacy in sheep and goats in the field in Jordan

Author: Fraser Crofts, Ahmad Al-Majali, David Gerring, Simon Gubbins, Hayley Hicks, Dana Campbell, Steve Wilson, Lizzie Chesang, Kristin Stuke, Claudia Cordel, Satya Parida, Carrie Batten

Year: 2023

Subject Areas: Research and Development

Keywords: PPR, PPR Vaccines, PPR disease, Sheep, Vaccines, goats

Duration of Immunity Induced after Vaccination of Cattle with a Live Attenuated or Inactivated Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Vaccine

Author: Andy Haegeman, Ilse De Leeuw, Laurent Mostin, Willem Van Campe, Wannes Philips, Mehdi Elharrak, Nick De Regge and Kris De Clercq

Year: 2023

Subject Areas: Research and Development

Keywords: Duration of Immunity, Vaccines, lumpy skin disease