Market Development & Adoption; Lessons Learned and Observations During Phase 1 of PLSHL-1 Programme
Author: Meritxell Donadeu, Baptiste Dungu
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Keywords: Adoption, Global Access, Lessons, Market Development, Model, Private Goods, Public Goods, Sustainability
Sustainable Distribution of Newcastle Disease (ND) Vaccine as a Way to Control ND and Improve Poor Livestock Keepers Livelihoods in India (Keonjhar)
Author: GALVmed, PRADAN
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Backyard Poultry, Community Animal Health Workers, Female Empowerment, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Sustainability, Vaccine Supply Chain
Newcastle Disease Control Pilot Project Nepal
Author: GALVmed- Heifer International
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Backyard Poultry, Community Animal Health Workers, Livelihoods, Newcastle Disease, Sustainability