Proceedings of training workshop on entrepreneurship, marketing and last mile distribution for GALVmed partners
Author: MART
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Keywords: Distribution, India, Market Development, Marketing, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, entrepreneurship, last mile distribution
GALVmed Position Paper; East Coast Fever Infection & Treatment Method
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Commercial Development, Research and Development
Keywords: Centre for Ticks & Tick-Borne Diseases, Disease Control, Disease Prevention, East Coast Fever, Marketing, Product Registration, Supply Chain, Vaccination, Vaccine Delivery, Vaccine Development 2 more
The Gender and Social Dimensions to Livestock Keeping in Africa: Implication for Animal Health Interventions
Author: Beth Miller
Year: 2011
Subject Areas: Gender
Keywords: Gender, Access to Animal Health Services, Access to Markets, Bundling, Community Animal Health Workers, Gender Audit, Gender Roles, Household, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Institutional Issues 14 more
The Gender and Social Dimensions to Livestock Keeping in South Asia: Implication for Animal Health Interventions
Author: Beth Miller
Year: 2011
Subject Areas: Gender
Keywords: Gender, Access to Animal Health Services, Access to Markets, Bundling, Community Animal Health Workers, Gender Audit, Gender Roles, Household, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Institutional Issues 14 more