GALVmed Position Paper; East Coast Fever Infection & Treatment Method
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Commercial Development, Research and Development
Keywords: Centre for Ticks & Tick-Borne Diseases, Disease Control, Disease Prevention, East Coast Fever, Marketing, Product Registration, Supply Chain, Vaccination, Vaccine Delivery, Vaccine Development 2 more
Promoting Access to Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) Vaccine and Vaccination in Tanzania; Baseline Study in Manyara Region- Draft Report
Author: Prof. Philemon Wambura, Dr. Mirende Kichuki, Dr. Sultan J. Hussein
Year: 2014
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia, Disease Control, Disease Prevelance, Disease Prevention, Economic significance of Infection, Research and Development, Vaccination, Vaccine Development,