Role of African swine fever virus (ASFV) proteins EP153R and EP402R in reducing 1 viral persistence in blood and virulence in pigs infected with Benin?DP148R
Author: Vlad Petrovan, Anusyah Rathakrishnan, Muneeb Islam, Lynnette C. Goatley, Katy Moffat, Pedro J. Sanchez-Cordon, Ana L. Reis, Linda K. Dixon
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
A porcine macrophage cell line that supports high levels of replication of OURT88/3, an attenuated strain of African swine fever virus
Author: Raquel Portugal , Lynnette C. Goatley , Robert Husmann , Federico A. Zuckermann; Linda K. Dixon
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: ASF, African swine fever virus, Vaccine, ZMAC, macrophage cell line, virus replication