The co-administration of live fowlpox and Newcastle disease vaccines by non-invasive routes to chickens reared by smallholders in Tanzania and Nepal
Author: Stuart J. Andrews, Asanteli Makundi, Julius Mwanadota, Sakar Shivakoti, Bikas Raj Shah, E. Jane Poole, Jeremy Salt, Kristin Stuke
Year: 2022
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Chickens, Eye-drop, Feather follicle, Fowlpox, Newcastle Disease, Vaccination
Vaccine Quality Is a Key Factor to Determine Thermal Stability of Commercial Newcastle Disease (ND)Vaccines
Author: Nabila Osman, Danny Goovaerts, Serageldeen Sultan, Jeremy Salt, Christian Grund
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Newcastle disease virus, heat stability, paramyxovirus, vaccine quality, vaccine stability
Prioritizing smallholder animal health needs in East Africa, West Africa, and South Asia using three approaches: Literature review, expert workshops, and practitioner surveys
Author: Zoë Campbell, Paul Coleman, Andrea Guest, Peetambar Kushwaha, Thembinkosi Ramuthivheli, Tom Osebe, Brian Perry, Jeremy Salt
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Global animal health, Livestock Disease, Poor, Poverty, Prioritisation, Veterinary
Contagious Bovine and Caprine Pleuropneumonia: a research community’s recommendations for the development of better vaccines
Author: Joerg Jores, Cynthia Baldwin , Alain Blanchard , Glenn F. Browning , Angie Colston , Volker Gerdts , Danny Goovaerts , Martin Heller , Nick Juleff , Fabien Labroussaa , Anne Liljander , Geoffrey Muuka, Vish Nene , Ran Nir-Paz, Flavio Sacchini, Artur Summerfield, François Thiaucourt, Hermann Unger, Sanjay Vashee, Xiumei Wang and Jeremy Salt
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
Accurate diagnosis of lesions suspected of being caused by Taenia solium in body organs of pigs with naturally acquired porcine cysticercosis
Author: Charles G. Gauci,Chrisostom Ayebazibwe,Zachary Nsadha,Chris Rutebarika,Ishab Poudel,Keshav Sah,Dinesh Kumar Singh,Andrew Stent,Angela Colston,Meritxell Donadeu,Marshall W. Lightowlers
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium, body organs, cysticerci
Implementation of a practical and effective pilot intervention against transmission of Taenia solium by pigs in the Banke district of Nepal
Author: Ishab Poudel, Keshav Sah , Suyog Subedi , Dinesh Kumar Singh , Peetambar Kushwaha , Angela Colston , Charles G. Gauci , Meritxell Donadeu , Marshall W. Lightowlers
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Nepal, Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Adoption Cluster Studies: India, Nepal & Uganda
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Uganda, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Adoption Cluster Studies: India, Nepal & Uganda
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Uganda, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Assessing the Economic Sustainability of early GALVmed Market Development Pilot Projects: 5 Years On
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Marketdevelopment, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Newcastle, households, smallholders
Assessing the Economic Sustainability of early GALVmed Market Development Pilot Projects: 5 Years On
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Marketdevelopment, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Newcastle, households, smallholders
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E. MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
Report of Stakeholders’ Meeting on Integrated Human and Pig Health Approaches for Cysticercosis Control in India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
A hyperendemic focus of Taenia solium transmission in the Banke District of Nepal
Author: Keshav Sah, Ishab Poudel, Suyog Subedi, Dinesh Kumar Singh, Jo Cocker,Peetambar Kushwaha, Angela Colston, Meritxell Donadeu and Marshall W. Lightowlers
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Banke, Cysticercosis, Necropsy, Nepal, PC, Pig, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium
It’s time to eradicate the main cause of preventable epilepsy in the developing world through collaboration
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Porcine Cysticercosis, developing world, epilepsy, pork tapeworm, synthesis
Landscape analysis: Prevalence and control of Porcine Cysticercosis and Human Taeniasis / Neurocysticercosis (Nepal)
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Nepal, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Assessing the impact of a novel strategy for delivering animal health interventions to smallholder farmers
Author: Paul Richard Bessell, Peetambar Kushwaha, Roggers Mosha, Roy Woolley, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Proceedings of training workshop on entrepreneurship, marketing and last mile distribution for GALVmed partners
Author: MART
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Keywords: Distribution, India, Market Development, Marketing, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, entrepreneurship, last mile distribution
Review of requirements and processes for registration of veterinary products in selected African and Asian countries
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Vaccines, good manufacturing practice, vaccine certification, vaccine registration, vaccine registration procedures,
Anamnestic responses in pigs to the Taenia solium TSOL18 vaccine and implications for control strategies
Author: Lightowlers MW, Donadeu M, Elaiyaraja M, Maithal K, Kumar KA, Gauci CG, Firestone SM, Sarasola P, Rowan TG
Year: 2016
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Pig, TSOL18, Taenia solium, Vaccine, anamnestic response
Identification of trans-sialidases as a common mediator of endothelial cell activation by African trypanosomes
Author: Zeinab Ammar, Nicolas Plazolles,Théo Baltz,Virginie Coustou. GALVmed and DFID acknowledged.
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Trypanosomosis
Functional expression of TcoAT1 reveals it to be a P1-type nucleoside transporter with no capacity for diminazene uptake
Author: Jane C. Munday, Karla E. Rojas López, Anthonius A. Eze, Vincent Delespaux, Jan Van Den Abbeele, Tim Rowan, Michael P. Barrett, Liam J. Morrison and Harry P. de Koning
Year: 2012
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Trypanosomosis,
Community- and farmer-based management of animal African trypanosomosis in cattle
Author: Jérémy Bouyer, Fanny Bouyer, Meritxell Donadeu, Tim Rowan, Grant Napier. GALVmed and DFID acknowledged.
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy, Research and Development
Keywords: Disease Control, Trypanosomosis, Tsetse
Erythrophagocytosis of desialylated red blood cells is responsible for anaemia during Trypanosoma vivax infection.
Author: Guegan F, Plazolles N, Baltz T, Coustou V.
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Diagnosis, Trypanosomosis
Development of a low-dose fast-dissolving tablet formulation of Newcastle disease vaccine for low-cost backyard poultry immunisation
Author: M. Lal, C. Zhu, C. McClurkan, D.M. Koelle, P. Miller, C. Afonso, M. Donadeu, B. Dungu, D.Chen
Year: 2014
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Backyard Poultry, Newcastle Disease, Newcastle Disease Vaccine
Actors in the Provision of Livestock Health Products and Services in South Asia
Author: Mamta Dhawan
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Animal Health Services, Legal Framework, Non State Actors, Policy, Regulatory Frame Work
Review of the Policy, Regulatory and Administrative Framework for Delivery of Livestock Health Products and Services in South Asia
Author: Dr Miftahul Islam Barbaruah, Dr Abdul Samad
Year: 2014
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Decentralization, Distribution, Drug Dispension, Livestock Health Policies, Minor Services Act, Non State Actors, Policy Framework, Regulatory Framwork, Service Delivery
GALVmed South Asia Strategy; Livestock Health, Product Development and Service Delivery
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2012
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: GALVmed, South Asia, Strategy
Market Development & Adoption; Lessons Learned and Observations During Phase 1 of PLSHL-1 Programme
Author: Meritxell Donadeu, Baptiste Dungu
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Keywords: Adoption, Global Access, Lessons, Market Development, Model, Private Goods, Public Goods, Sustainability
Newcastle Disease Control Pilot Project Nepal
Author: GALVmed- Heifer International
Year: 2013
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Backyard Poultry, Community Animal Health Workers, Livelihoods, Newcastle Disease, Sustainability