Proceeding of Newcastle Disease Control Review Workshop
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2015
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy, Commercial Development, Research and Development, Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Africa, I-2, India, ND, Newcastle Disease, South Asia
Practical Skills on Backyard Poultry Production in India (Hindi)
Author: Kornel Das
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Practical Skills on Backyard Poultry Production in India (Odia)
Author: Kornel Das
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Practical Skills on Backyard Poultry Production in India
Author: Kornel Das
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Commercial Development
Vaccine Quality Is a Key Factor to Determine Thermal Stability of Commercial Newcastle Disease (ND)Vaccines
Author: Nabila Osman, Danny Goovaerts, Serageldeen Sultan, Jeremy Salt, Christian Grund
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Newcastle disease virus, heat stability, paramyxovirus, vaccine quality, vaccine stability
Prioritizing smallholder animal health needs in East Africa, West Africa, and South Asia using three approaches: Literature review, expert workshops, and practitioner surveys
Author: Zoë Campbell, Paul Coleman, Andrea Guest, Peetambar Kushwaha, Thembinkosi Ramuthivheli, Tom Osebe, Brian Perry, Jeremy Salt
Year: 2021
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Global animal health, Livestock Disease, Poor, Poverty, Prioritisation, Veterinary
Contagious Bovine and Caprine Pleuropneumonia: a research community’s recommendations for the development of better vaccines
Author: Joerg Jores, Cynthia Baldwin , Alain Blanchard , Glenn F. Browning , Angie Colston , Volker Gerdts , Danny Goovaerts , Martin Heller , Nick Juleff , Fabien Labroussaa , Anne Liljander , Geoffrey Muuka, Vish Nene , Ran Nir-Paz, Flavio Sacchini, Artur Summerfield, François Thiaucourt, Hermann Unger, Sanjay Vashee, Xiumei Wang and Jeremy Salt
Year: 2020
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Adoption Cluster Studies: India, Nepal & Uganda
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Uganda, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Adoption Cluster Studies: India, Nepal & Uganda
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Uganda, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Household Dynamics within Livestock-Owning Smallholder Households: India, Ethiopia, Tanzania
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Ethiopia, India, M&E, MonitoringandEvaluation, Tanzania, households, smallholders
Assessing the Economic Sustainability of early GALVmed Market Development Pilot Projects: 5 Years On
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Marketdevelopment, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Newcastle, households, smallholders
Assessing the Economic Sustainability of early GALVmed Market Development Pilot Projects: 5 Years On
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Marketdevelopment, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Newcastle, households, smallholders
Household dynamics within livestock-owning smallholder households: India, Ethiopia, Tanzania
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Ethiopia, India, M&E, MonitoringandEvaluation, Tanzania, households, smallholders
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
The impact of anthelmintic drugs on weight gain of smallholder goats in subtropical regions
Author: Paul R.Bessell, Neil D.Sargison, Kichuki Mirende, Ranjit Dash, Sanjay Prasad, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon, Kristin Stuke, Roy Woolley, Miftahul Barbaruah and PhilemonWambur
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Smallholder, anthelminthic, drugs, goats
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Mayurbhanj, India - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Mayurbhanj, India
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Mayurbhanj, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E. MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
Estimating the impact of administration of dewormers on smallholder chickens in Odisha State, India
Author: Paul R Bessell, Ranjit Dash, Sanjay Prasad, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon, Kristin Stuke, Roy Woolley, Miftahul Islam Barbaruah
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, Smallholder, dewormer, weight
Report of Stakeholders’ Meeting on Integrated Human and Pig Health Approaches for Cysticercosis Control in India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in India (Cover Sheet)
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Husbandry, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Poultry, adopters
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in India
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Husbandry, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Poultry, adopters
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania
Author: Paul Bessell (EPI Interventions Ltd)
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chickens, India, M&E, Tanzania, anti-helminthics, dewormers, goats, helminths, impact study, monitoring and evaluation
It’s time to eradicate the main cause of preventable epilepsy in the developing world through collaboration
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Porcine Cysticercosis, developing world, epilepsy, pork tapeworm, synthesis
Landscape analysis: Prevalence and control of Porcine Cysticercosis and Human Taeniasis / Neurocysticercosis (India)
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, India, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania (Cover Sheet)
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chickens, India, M&E, Tanzania, anti-helminthics, dewormers, goats, helminths, impact study, monitoring and evaluation
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania (PowerPoint presentation)
Author: Paul Bessell (Epi Interventions Ltd)
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Assessing the impact of a novel strategy for delivering animal health interventions to smallholder farmers
Author: Paul Richard Bessell, Peetambar Kushwaha, Roggers Mosha, Roy Woolley, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Pro-poor livestock policy formulation workshop in Bihar, India (August 2017)
Author: Dr. CK Rao and Dr. Mamta Dhawan
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Adoption, India, Policy, livestock vaccines, sustainable delivery
CARI-GALVmed workshop on smallholder poultry production - opportunities and challenges
Author: GALVmed, CARI
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: India, Newcastle Disease, Policy, South Asia, poultry production, poultry production challenges, poultry production opportunities, smallholder poultry production