The impact of anthelmintic drugs on weight gain of smallholder goats in subtropical regions
Author: Paul R.Bessell, Neil D.Sargison, Kichuki Mirende, Ranjit Dash, Sanjay Prasad, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon, Kristin Stuke, Roy Woolley, Miftahul Barbaruah and PhilemonWambur
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: M&E, Smallholder, anthelminthic, drugs, goats
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Gairo, Tanzania - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Gairo, Tanzania
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Mayurbhanj, India - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Mayurbhanj, India
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Mayurbhanj, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Vaccine, monitoring and evaluation, smallholder farmers
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal - Cover Sheet
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E. MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: India, M&E, MonitoringandEvaluation, ND, Nepal, NewcastleDisease, vaccinator
Reproduction of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia reveals the ability of convalescent sera to reduce hydrogen peroxide production in vitro
Author: Anne Liljander, Flavio Sacchini, Michael H. Stoffel, Elise Schieck, Nadine Stokar?Regenscheit, Fabien Labroussaa, Martin Heller, Jeremy Salt, Joachim Frey, Laurent Falquet, Danny Goovaerts and Joerg Jores
Year: 2019
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: CCPP, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia, Jeremy Salt
Field-derived estimates of costs for Peste des Petits Ruminants vaccination in Ethiopia
Author: Nicholas A.Lyons, Wudu T.Jemberu, Hassen Chaka, Jeremy S.Salt and Jonathan Rushton
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Economics, Jeremy Salt, PPR, Peste des Petits Ruminants, Vaccination
Estimating the impact of administration of dewormers on smallholder chickens in Odisha State, India
Author: Paul R Bessell, Ranjit Dash, Sanjay Prasad, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon, Kristin Stuke, Roy Woolley, Miftahul Islam Barbaruah
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, Smallholder, dewormer, weight
Lung lesion score system in cattle: proposal for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
Author: Andrea Di Provvido, Giovanni Di Teodoro, Geoffrey Muuka, Giuseppe Marruchella & Massimo Scacchia
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: CBPP, Cattle, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Lung lesion scoring systems, Pathology
Report of Stakeholders Meeting on Integrated Human and Pig Health Approaches for Cysticercosis Control in Africa
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Report of Stakeholders’ Meeting on Integrated Human and Pig Health Approaches for Cysticercosis Control in India and Nepal
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in Tanzania
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Husbandry, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Poultry, adopters
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in Tanzania (Cover Sheet)
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in India (Cover Sheet)
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Husbandry, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Poultry, adopters
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in India
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Husbandry, Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Poultry, adopters
Re-visiting the detection of porcine cysticercosis based on full carcass dissections of naturally Taenia solium infected pigs
Author: Mwelwa Chembensofu, K. E. Mwape, I. Van Damme, E. Hobbs, I. K. Phiri, M. Masuku, G. Zulu, A. Colston, A. L. Willingham, B. Devleesschauwer, A. Van Hul, A. Chota, N. Speybroeck, D. Berkvens, P. Dorny and S. Gabriël
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Antigen ELISA, Cysticercosis, Dissection, Liver, Pig carcass, Pigs, Taenia solium, Tongue palpation
A hyperendemic focus of Taenia solium transmission in the Banke District of Nepal
Author: Keshav Sah, Ishab Poudel, Suyog Subedi, Dinesh Kumar Singh, Jo Cocker,Peetambar Kushwaha, Angela Colston, Meritxell Donadeu and Marshall W. Lightowlers
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Banke, Cysticercosis, Necropsy, Nepal, PC, Pig, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium
Preliminary assessment of the computer-based Taenia solium educational program ‘The Vicious Worm’ on knowledge uptake in primary school students in rural areas in eastern Zambia
Author: Emma C. Hobbs, Kabemba Evans Mwape, Inge Van Damme, Dirk Berkvens, Gideon Zulu, Moses Mambwe, Mwelwa Chembensofu, Isaac Khozozo Phiri, Maxwell Masuku, Emmanuel Bottieau, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Niko Speybroeck, Angela Colston, Pierre Dorny, Arve Lee Willingham III and Sarah Gabriel
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Disease Control, One Health, Taenia solium, Zambia, health education, taeniasis/cysticercosis, vicious worm
Taenia solium from a community perspective: Preliminary costing data in the Katete and Sinda districts in Eastern Zambia
Author: Emma C. Hobbs, Kabemba E. Mwape, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Sarah Gabriël, Mwelwa Chembensofu, Moses Mambwe, Isaac K. Phiri, Maxwell Masuku, Gideon Zulu, Angela Colston, Arve Lee Willingham, Dirk Berkvens, Pierre Dorny, Emmanuel Bottieau, Niko Speybroeck
Year: 2018
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: PC, Porcine Cysticercosis, Taenia solium
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania
Author: Paul Bessell (EPI Interventions Ltd)
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chickens, India, M&E, Tanzania, anti-helminthics, dewormers, goats, helminths, impact study, monitoring and evaluation
Identification of a 4-fluorobenzyl L-valinate amide benzoxaborole (AN11736) as a potential development candidate for the treatment of Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT)
Author: Tsutomu Akama, Yong-Kang Zhang, Yvonne R. Freund, Pamela Berry, Joanne Lee, Eric E. Easom, Robert T. Jacobs, Jacob J. Plattner, Michael J. Witty, Rosemary Peter, Tim G. Rowan, Kirsten Gillingwater, Reto Brun, Bakela Nare, Luke Mercer, Musheng Xu, Jiangong Wang, Hao Liang
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: AAT, African African Trypanosomosis, Benzoxaborole, Cattle, Lead optimisation, Protozoan, R&D, SAR, Trypanosomiasis, Trypanosomosis 2 more
Landscape analysis: Prevalence and control of Porcine Cysticercosis and Human Taeniasis / Neurocysticercosis (India)
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, India, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
It’s time to eradicate the main cause of preventable epilepsy in the developing world through collaboration
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Porcine Cysticercosis, developing world, epilepsy, pork tapeworm, synthesis
Landscape analysis: Prevalence and control of Porcine Cysticercosis and Human Taeniasis / Neurocysticercosis (Nepal)
Author: GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy
Keywords: Human Taeniasis, Nepal, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania (Cover Sheet)
Author: GALVmed M&E
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chickens, India, M&E, Tanzania, anti-helminthics, dewormers, goats, helminths, impact study, monitoring and evaluation
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania (PowerPoint presentation)
Author: Paul Bessell (Epi Interventions Ltd)
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more
Epizone 2017 Poster: Immune response in chickens to Fowl Pox Virus Vaccine and Newcastle Disease Vaccine co-administered by non-invasive routes
Author: K. Stuke (R&D, GALVmed,, H.L. Erasmus (Research Operations, Clinvet), S. Swanepoel (Animal Health Products, Deltamune) and J. Salt (R&D, GALVmed
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Keywords: Fowl Pox, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Vaccination, Vaccine, epizone
Assessing the impact of a novel strategy for delivering animal health interventions to smallholder farmers
Author: Paul Richard Bessell, Peetambar Kushwaha, Roggers Mosha, Roy Woolley, Lamyaa Al-Riyami, Neil Gammon
Year: 2017
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Keywords: Chicken, India, M&E, Nepal, Newcastle Disease, Poultry, Tanzania, Vaccine, goats, monitoring and evaluation 1 more