Protecting Livestock. Improving Human Lives

Report of Stakeholders’ Meeting on Integrated Human and Pig Health Approaches for Cysticercosis Control in India and Nepal

Author: GALVmed

Year: 2017

About this Publication:

The stakeholders meeting on integrated human and pig health approaches for cysticercosis control (CC) for India and Nepal was convened in New Delhi on 16-17 November 2017. The meeting was organized by the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed). The objectives of the workshop were: 1) to bring together policy, technical, commercial and development stakeholders and partners from the animal health and human health to share the results of GALVmed activities on Porcine Cysticercosis (PC); 2) to share information on current CC programmes in developing countries; 3) to provide feedback and validation of findings from GALVmed commissioned PC Landscaping studies; 4) to explore opportunities for working towards an integrated approach to CC in India and Nepal; 5) to call for commitment, particularly from policy stakeholders and funding agencies, to take action to CC. The workshop succeeded in enhancing understanding and appreciation of the prevalence and impact of cysticercosis on animal and human health within India and Nepal. A One Health approach to the control of taeniasis / cysticercosis in human and PC in pig was proposed for the two countries.

Grant: PLSHL2

Subject Areas: Policy and Advocacy

Diseases: Porcine Cysticercosis


Human Taeniasis, Neurocysticercosis, Pigs, Porcine Cysticercosis


India, Nepal

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