Author: Campbell Z, Jumba H, Tjasink K, Al-Riyami L
Year: 2022
About this Publication:
The PRomoting and Enabling Vaccination Efficiently, Now and Tomorrow (PREVENT) project aims to create an efficient sector of medium-sized African hatcheries by applying hatchery vaccination and proactive marketing methods to initiate and increase vaccinated Day-Old Chick (DOC) sales to poultry Small Scale Livestock Producers (SSPs). Gender is a broad and complex topic with significant historic, cultural, and geographic considerations. The PREVENT project seeks to bring a pragmatic level of understanding of gender dynamics within the poultry sector with the goal of positively impacting women chicken producers through the hatchery intervention. The project includes a gender landscaping component to build an early qualitative picture of the current situation on the ground, focusing on women and men chicken producers with improved backyard, semi-intensive, and emergent commercial production systems. This report describes the results of the rapid gender analysis conducted in three countries representing East, West, and Southern Africa (Tanzania, Nigeria and Zimbabwe) during the initial stages of implementation. Fieldwork activities were conducted in November 2021.
Subject Areas: Monitoring and Evaluation
Gender, PREVENT, Poultry, landscaping