Protecting Livestock. Improving Human Lives

Market Development & Adoption; Lessons Learned and Observations During Phase 1 of PLSHL-1 Programme

Author: Meritxell Donadeu, Baptiste Dungu

Year: 2013

About this Publication:

GALVmed’s aim is to make livestock vaccines, medicines and diagnostics accessible and affordable to the millions of individuals in developing countries for whom livestock is a lifeline. To achieve this, GALVmed works through partnerships to promote sustainable adoption systems involving private and public sector partners in the delivery of needed animal health products. The present report was generated in order to collate lessons learned during the execution of PLSHL-1 (Protecting Livestock Saving Human Life 1, GALVmed’s first large scale programme), which could subsequently be applied to future GALVmed market development and adoption activities.

Grant: PLSHL1

Subject Areas: Commercial Development


Adoption, Global Access, Lessons, Market Development, Model, Private Goods, Public Goods, Sustainability


Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic Of, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nepal, Tanzania, United Republic Of

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