Author: Stuke, K., Makene, V., Mwanadota, J.J., Makundi, A.E.
Year: 2020
About this Publication:
Chickens are the most abundant livestock species in Africa. Free-range, indigenous chickens in smallholder village settings make up more than 80% of the poultry stocks in many of the countries in Africa. Dr. Kristin Stuke at Galvmed, Dr. Makene Vedastus and Dr. Makundi, A. E at the Open University of Tanzania and Dr. Mwanadota, J. Julius at Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency illustrate poultry smallholders’ challenges; the impact of Newcastle disease and fowlpox; and disease control projects by governments and NGOs.
Grant: VITAL
Subject Areas: Research and Development
Diseases: Fowl Pox, Newcastle Disease
Chicken, Fowl Pox, GALVmed, Newcastle Disease, Sub-Saharan Africa, control projects